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Top 25 Free Dicom Viewers for Doctors, Medical Students, and Health Professionals - Presen

The market for radiopharmaceuticals continues to gain momentum and is dominated by diagnostic radioisotopes, comprising SPECT and PET radioisotopes. PET holds the largest share (>53%) of the PET-SPECT market dominated by PET/CT holding the share of 95% in the PET modality.


Reimbursement is becoming a major factor to determine the future of the nuclear imaging industry and will determine the respective technology used for the concerned application. Increasing awareness among the physicians with respect to nuclear imaging techniques, mounting application areas such as neurological diseases, and rising cases in oncology are driving the PET and SPECT imaging market.


PET is preferred over SPECT imaging as PET provides higher resolution images. The lack of availability of technetium-99m for SPECT is forcing the medical community and the industry to look for alternatives.


Aging population and increase in the chronic disease population are considered as the main drivers of the PET and SPECT diagnostic tools.


Some countries cannot afford the acquisition and the costs of a conventional production site. PNS offer the fully integrated design BG-75 Biomarker Generator system. A new concept which integrates a 7,5 MeV cyclotron, a Chemistry Production Module (CPM) and Quality Control Module (QCM) for on-site production of  fluorides providing automated production and quality control testing. 


Both the cyclotron and chemistry modules are self-shielded, radiation to1mR/hr. at the minimum 5,5m x 5,5m room boundary. These features translate into significantly less capital investment initially, and lower ongoing operating costs compared to conventional PET biomarker laboratories. Overall, the total costs of ownership for the BG-75 Biomarker Generator are less than one fourth that a conventional cyclotron solution. For more information, please make a request to

An experienced support
at the upstream preparation phases
before delivery of the compound is an absolute requirement.

PNS is your choice

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